Asphalt Coating with Oynx

Eshabit-Onyx is a specially developed mixture of asphalt emulsion, increased proportions of highly abrasion-resistant fine aggregates, polymers and catalysts. With its outstanding properties, Eshabit-Onyx offers a high preservative effect as well as improved skid resistance for road surfaces. Benefit from this cost-effective approach and use an efficient solution to maintain your traffic areas.



Open-pored, water-permeable surfaces on traffic routes in and out of town, motorways, aircraft movement areas, industrial and parking areas as well as cycle paths

Rejuvenation of ageing road surfaces

Coloured surface design, e.g. for marking areas or reducing temperatures by using light-coloured surfaces


Innovative and practice-orientated research and development in our in-house departmentInnovative and practice-orientated research and development in our in-house department

Optimum working width of 2.50 m for efficient use

Generous capacity of 1,200 kg for high productivity

Flexible advance speed of 0 – 50 m/min for individual adaptation to the field of application

Precise and reliable application thanks to computer-controlled dosing

Applying bonding agent for Eshabit Onyx

Nozzle device for constant spray pattern

1. Onyx towing vehicle prototype

Nothing works without a plan

Onyx tank with nozzle spraying device

Nothing is precise on a construction site. Except ours.

Setting the required parameters

Turning old into new

Liquid lotus effect



Minimise maintenance and repair work

Avoidance of subsequent damage and thus complete renewal

Extended life/service life while improving performance characteristics (e.g. grip, reflection properties and drainage)

Precaution to provide skid resistance through the application of a microsplit inlay

Filling asphalt surfaces/textures suffering superficial loss of mastic

By varying and adjusting the application quantity, the desired macrotexture can be produced. This allows tyre-road noise and tyre wear to be minimised

Optimised composition enables faster drying/setting of the material – minimising downtime and costs

Transparency and quality control through accompanying measurements